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Another Reunion Post....

This is what herding cats looks like...... only its me and my cousins!

Well......I felt sorry for the photographer trying her hardest to get us ( the first generation) to line up to take a picture. Total Chaos. It is obvious that we did not have any organizational skills..
(I am in the middle with the flowery shirt and white sneakers.) Yes, that's me, pointing one way and looking the other...

We did eventually pull it together, here is the best of many attempts to get us to behave....


Marcie said...

Hey Lisa...
It is unreal how many of those people look like my family. What? You didn't invite me? I must be the black-sheep of the family. Waaa!

Lisa said...

Oh Ginger....

I think you would fit right in with the rest of us!! We are all a little "different"!
