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I Am A Hoarder

I find comfort in having multiples of certain items There is no rhyme or reason to my accumulation of things. For instance there is the slow growing collection of snow globes that is accumulating on my bookshelf. I think the total is now up to nine. The snow globes are gifts from friends and family when they travel. They are not fancy at all, in fact the simpler the better.

The Fire King collection was a work in progress for about 10 years. Every weekend I would go to garage sales and flea markets to get more glass. All colors of Fire King were fair game. If it said Fire King on it I would have to have it. Needless to say, I have an abundance of Fire King dishes. Where are they now?
All the sets are boxed up and now are stored in a shed in the back yard.

The latest hoarding obsession is packing materials that I get from work. Our office gets items in all the time. The girls upfront save me the boxes, the bubble wrap and the brown wrapping material.

I do use these things when I ship items sold on Ebay. But I still can't seem to get enough!! Oh....these packing items are in the shed too.

You don't even want to know about my stash of toothpaste......

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