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Putting Together My 2012 Goal List (part 1)

 Without goals to achieve, I tend to get a little lost.  My personality requires structure and time limits.  If there is no definite time frame to achieve a goal,  I will likely not succeed meeting that goal.  That is just the way it is.  When setting goals for the new year, I do reflect back on my goals for 2011. 

 The first area I addressed in 2011 was my Health and here is what I wrote.....

Health:  I will again become motivated to improve my health.  To do this I will need to exercise, eat better and deal with stress in a more positive way.  Exercise:  I am paying for a gym membership.....that has gone unused for at least a month and a half.  Tsk...Tsk.   I am going to commit to going to the gym at least 8 times this month (and every month this year).

This goal was vague and without structure.  Oh... I never did get any better at going to the gym either.  Gym membership Canceled. And Exercise... that never really took off either.  I do have a legitimate reason for that (at least from April 2011 to present) I had a partially torn meniscus in my knee.  That did limit the amount of exercise I could partake in.  As of two weeks ago, that excuse is no longer valid.  The knee surgery was a success and I go back next Friday for my last check up and hopefully a release to get active again.

Another area I reflected on was eating better.  Here is what I said:

I will eat foods that are better for me by eliminating  more of the processed foods that I really like.  More whole grains,vegetables and fruits will be incorporated into my diet.  I will eliminate at least one diet soda a day and replace it with water. ( I drink way too much soda... seriously).

Yet another vague goal that really did not accomplish much.   But a couple a months ago, I did start  incorporating more fresh foods into my diet thanks to Carla's challenge, and I am drinking more water.  But, I still am drinking Soda. I like it. A lot.

 My husband and I are true junk food junkies. We enable each other to eat junk.  And we both know it is NOT good for us, but we still do it.   Last week, we were watching a PBS fundraiser and it was about improving your health.  Dr. Joel Furhman was explaining about the right foods to eat to improve your health... and while eating these foods you will lose weight too. We both decided to investigate it further and we ordered one of his books (using Amazon gift cards).

The book has not arrived yet, but it should be here soon.  I will be sharing more about it later. 

This year, I am putting it out there..  My overall goal for better health is weight loss.  I am obese.... according to the BMI charts, I would be classified as morbidly obese.  I hesitate it post my weight, but I will think about it.  My challenge/goal is too lose 50 pounds by July 1, 2012.  Starting now, (today) that will give me 7 months to accomplish the goal.  Each month, I will lose approx 7 lbs.  This will be accomplished with better eating, EXERCISE, and drinking more water.

Some basic guidelines:

* Keep calories in the 1,500 - 1,850 range daily
* Exercise 6 days a week.  We have great bike paths to walk and or ride a bike.  I don't have a bike.
* Make weight training a priority
* No more cookie dough.  This is my go to food for stress eating.
* Drink 72-100 ounces of water every day and record water consumption
* Record all food intake, even if nutrition information is unavailable

I can keep track for you,  but since I have yet to decide to plug in my real weight this is what you get:

Start weight: ____
Goal weight: 50 less
Current weight: ____
Pounds to goal: 50

Pretty vague, but for now it will have to do.

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Aaron Hung said...

It's always good to have some set goals for yourself. Good luck on your diet Lisa :D

CentsToSave said...

Thanks Aaron!

Miss T said...

Good for you for setting some health and fitness goals. Many people don't put enough importance on this part of their lives and it is really not good good. Your health is important and it can catch up to you later on if you are not careful, physically and financially. Medical bills aren't cheap. I am glad to hear you are making this a priority.

krantcents said...

My goal for 2011, I added an additional day of exercise this year and I ended up adding two days. I noticed that I was not sitting down in my new teaching assignment. I walk around for roughly 5 hours a day. I realize that something as simple as staying on the move burns calories and inches. I just turned 65 years old and never felt better.

Carla said...

Your health is EVERYTHING! Good luck reaching your goal, you'll feel like a million bucks when you do!! :)

Marissa said...

I agree with the vague goals not helping motivate as much as they should. My exercise goal is to go every other day, and have it scheduled in my blackberry. That was I dont make other plans when I am supposed to be working out.

Jane said...

I'm pretty good with the exercise side of things (my cycling trip keeps me motivated) but still fall down on the eating side of things. I just love food, what can I say? Perhaps I could try smaller portions but that's hard too! I'm rooting for you!

Gold Rate said...

Every one should have to set their goals in life to reach at a high place. You have set your goal that is really a good thing and good luck for it.
