Dang! When is it going to stop? (Rhetorical question. ) When is the post Christmas shopping for "bargins" going to end? Just about every store I walk into (Target, CVS, Publix0 have really neat Christmas stuff for great prices!!
Went to Target today for the butter (1/2 pound boxes with target 50 cent coupon) and just happend to breeze by the mark down section of Christmas Stuff!! Twenty Five dollars later I saved 75% on my decorations for next year.
I really need to just stop. Saving all this money is killing the budget!
This year we totally blew off after Christmas shopping for that exact same reason, fear of breaking the budget.
Don't worry, those retailers will be boxing everything up and putting them in their warehouses before the week is out.
It is hard to not buy something when it is such a good deal isn't it?! Thankfully we are completely busted (and I mean we are barely going to make it to payday!) so I haven't been able to buy anything during the after Christmas sales and make my budget even more messed up than it already is for December.
Ed, Too Late. the Budget is broke.
Tracy, Unfortunately I have charged a purchase or two. I have already spent my overtime for the next paycheck.
This year we totally blew off after Christmas shopping for that exact same reason, fear of breaking the budget.
Don't worry, those retailers will be boxing everything up and putting them in their warehouses before the week is out.
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