Welcome to Cents To Save! Follow along as we pay down our debt, become mortgage free, and enjoy life. You can read more about this site here and subscribe to get all the latest updates sent to you by email or RSS feed here. Thanks for visiting!

Paying Down the Debt......

I have to say that my personal debt is relatively small. At this present time the amount owed is less that five hundred dollars. But lets look at the biggest debt I have, or should I say my self and my husband have. The mortgage. Oh yes, the mortgage.

A little background for you before I give you the amount owed on the mortgage. We have lived in the same house for 26 years. Now you would think that in 4 years we would be able to call our house our own. Maybe in a perfect world, but that is not the case for use. We have refinanced three times. Yes, three times. (In the early years, we knew nothing when it came to finances. We acted and spent like money grew on trees!!)

The third time we consolidated a small amount of debt and took out enough equity to put my husband through trade school. That was three years ago. Now we have about 17 years to go on this current mortgage. Now that we have a grip on our money and our finances, we are on a mission to pay down the debt. A great way for me to earn extra money to accomplish that goal is by getting paid to blog. Oh yes, you heard me. I am getting paid to blog!

Pay Per Post provided great opportunities to add to your nest egg, or pay off your nest. Every little bit helps and I hope to blog my way out of mortgage bondage. My first introduction to Pay Per Post is through a blogging buddy "D" at 2 Nickels Making a Dollar who by using Pay Per Post has accumulated a tidy amount every year.


Sean Steve said...

I am looking into pay per post it sounds like a great way to make extra income.


Lisa said...

every little bit helps!

Shaun Rosenberg said...

I am looking into pay per post it sounds like a great way to make extra income.

