My food waste has definitely been worse in the past. There was a time when I could fill a post with the pictures of my wasteful ways. This little bit of was is not so bad. I can live with it. Off to the compost pile it goes!
I have wasted mushrooms before. I may just need to stop buying them. In theory they are good for me, but the reality it only the compost pile is benefiting.
I have wasted mushrooms before. I may just need to stop buying them. In theory they are good for me, but the reality it only the compost pile is benefiting.
Linked to the Frugal Girl
I haven't done it, but I've read that you can freeze mushrooms. (,1950,152186-246193,00.html) I may try it because I'm not that crazy about mushrooms either, but they are good in certain dishes.
I buy mushrooms all the time when they go on clearance and freeze them - usually already sliced. Great in ground beef, casseroles, veggie soup, fried with some onion and celery with eggs... We use a LOT of mushrooms :)
I love love love mushrooms, but I get that some people just don't like em. If you do want to add them to a specific recipe, are there any stores in your area that sell bulk mushrooms and you could only buy what you need instead of the package that you only need a portion of?
Your right, the waste this week is not bad. I only buy mushrooms now when I have a recipe that specifically calls for them. Otherwise I find mushrooms go bad too quickly for me to buy them as a regular staple ingredient.
At least they're both compostable! :)
Ewwww slimy cucumbers are the worst!! I HAVE given up buying mushrooms as I usually forget about them and they don't last long at all!
Uhgh, well at least you have a composter. ;)
Yep, the composter does come in handy.
Oh yeah.... the slimy cucumbers..... super GROSS. And me and mushrooms..... never a good mix. I always waste them.
The only redeeming quality they have.
I don't know why I keep on buying them. I gotta stop it. Just a waste of money!
Great idea Jess! I will check it out.
Wonderful idea!!! and so easy too. Thanks for the idea!
I may have to try that. Freezing would defintely prolong them.
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