I am borrowing this format from Laura at NoMoreSpending to help me stay accountable to my 2012 goals.
1. Pay off credit card debt this year. Yep, it has got to go. We have about $11,5000 in stupid credit card debt. With our current living arrangements (we moved in with my sick parents to become their caregivers) our expenses are low(er). No Change. In fact, due to remodeling... it is going up. :(
2. Increase Emergency Savings from $1000.00 to $3000.00. Right now our emergency fund carries about $1200.00, but by the end of the year we would like to increase that to $3000.00 for a little more piece of mind. Same.
3. Building online income. My work situation has changes totally. I am now a fulltime care giver for my dad, and soon for my mom. I will be able to (hopefully) find time during the day and night to learn more about HOW to successfully do that. You know I did join the $30,000 Online Income Challenge, right? Situation as caregiver has changed. Online income is small, but I am grateful. For January, it was about $300.00
4. Christmas 2012. I again will be working my $500 Holiday Challenge. I was able to stay pretty close to the spending/ shopping budget this year, so I am pretty happy about that. Acquiring gifts all year round at deep savings really helped the bottom line. No shopping yet, but I am auto-transferring to my Christmas ING account.
5. Have more fun! Life is short and I know that saving money, budgeting, and being frugal is important. But.... having fun and enjoying life is just as important! Living in Central Florida provides many opportunities to visit theme parks and be a kid again. We have not yet decided which park we are going to get a year long pass for, but I am leaning towards SeaWorld. And next year.... Disney World. I will be getting passes for me, my husband and my grandson. Money well spent. Nope, not yet.
6. Plan a Trip out West. We want to go to San Francisco, visit Alcatraz ( I find that place to be very fascinating), Cross the Golden Gate Bridge, to name a few. It may not happen this year, but it will happen. I plan to save at leat $4000.00 dollars towards this goal. No change, BUT I might include FINCON12 into this.
7. Roth IRA..... hello.... you remember me, don't you? My retirement planning has taken a BACK seat lately. Time to get all that back under control. I have a 401k with a previous employer that I need to do something with..... and I do recall a Roth IRA too. I am a huge slacker when it comes to this stuff. Help please. Fail. There is the rest of February to get it changed.
11. Get our wills done. Enough said. This has been on my goals list for the last two years. Nope, not yet.
So, there you go. Not much progress, but that is okay. These last few months have definitely been different. Looking forward to normal again.
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