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Food Waste Friday: These Were Hiding, I Swear

These mushrooms may not look that bad in the picture, but they are wrinkly and squishy.  I have a hard time eating mushrooms but they are so good for you.  The texture of them kinda creeps me out.  They may be salvageable if I use them by dinner tonight.  But I am not holding my breath.
FoodWasteFriday linked to the Frugal Girl

Now this lettuce has see better days.  It is down to the end of the stalk/head of Romaine.  The leaves are bitter and not worth rescuing.  This was actually hidden under the bag of apples and I didn't really see it.

And if you don't count the mushrooms ( that I probably should have never bought anyway) it is not a bad week for food waste.
How was your week?
