Okay... Hubs is temporarily unemployed. This too shall pass. But until it does... I have to say that my "thinking" about money has semi-drastically changed.
I have been making subtle adjustments; for instance now I will always check the thermostat in the hall and make sure it is close to 76. Before we would keep the temp closer to 71. I know... that is kinda cool but it is HOT outside and well... we like it cold.
I have started to hage out some clothes on the clothesline again. Not all loads are going out. Right now is the rainy season and id just about rains every afternoon if not more. But, if I can sneak a load out after work and it has a chance to dry before dark I will do it.
Now, I ALWAYS bring my breakfast and lunch to work. Before... not so much. I must confess, I would eat out ... well I would eat out a lot more that I should. So, now if I want to eat out at work, I call my mom up and see what she is having for lunch and I will drive over to her house and eat with her.
I will delay going to the grocery store a few days longer and search deep in the pantry for items that need to be used up before I buy more.
I have readjusted the timer on the hot water heater. It is on 2 hours in the morning and 2 hours in the evening. If we need more hot water, we can just flip the switch back to "on".
Isn't that funny??? When I started blogging in Nov 06 I was all about saving every penny. And for the most part, blogging has kept me on track. Of course lately.... over the last 6 months or so.. I have become a little "spendy".
We are moving forward! We have an emergency savings that we can tap into if we need to and hubs and I both know that God is in control and it will all be fine.