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Still Here

It has been a busy week for me. I did take advantage of the BOGO Jane Make Up deals at Walgreen's last week. I was able to stock up on the lip gloss as these will make nice birthday gifts for the grand girls! Besides that, I managed to save money by staying out of the stores! So that could be my Frugal Friday AND am Super Saving Saturday!!

It is a nice feeling to know that my pantry and medicine cabinet are well stocked and that I don't really NEED to go shopping. The surplus that my hubs and I don't use is given to our grown children to help them out when they need it. I have lots of Toothpaste, Shampoo, and Deodorant so we are all good for now.

I am taking 2 courses at the local University and still working a full time job. Since school started I have limited time to bargain shop. I do manage to get some running around done at lunch, Walgreen's and CVS are just down the street! :)

Have to get back to the homework!

~~Have a great evening!~~


Anonymous said...

You know, as simple as it is, thats something Ive been bad about...taking advantage of huge sales to get basic things like that in bulk. Not to mention I can think of plenty of times where I have had to run out to the store to get toothpaste...a waste of time too!
-The Penny Saved

Jesse said...

You know, as simple as it is, thats something Ive been bad about...taking advantage of huge sales to get basic things like that in bulk. Not to mention I can think of plenty of times where I have had to run out to the store to get toothpaste...a waste of time too!
-The Penny Saved
