In less than 9 days I and my friends from work will be leaving for Las Vegas!! We are seriously counting down the days!! So, in preparation for my trip I have been shopping to update my wardrobe a bit. Which really makes me think..... Why do I have to have "new" clothes to go on a trip where the people don't even know me?? Who am I trying to impress??? Maybe my friends. I do want to look nice. But what is the fuss and why have I let it practically take over all of my free time?
To begin with I am not a big shopper. If I need something I will go and get it and come home. I was never one to amble all over the place and "look" for "deals" to spend my money on. I have changed.
Now, I can say that I have been to the mall at least 5 times in the last week. I have tried on, bought and taken back items with abandon!! This is almost at a panic level for me. I need to get a grip!!
Tonight I will get the outfits together and pre pack them so I will know what exactly I have. This goes for pajamas, clean underwear and socks too. ( too much information??)
Besides sneakers, all I really need is a nice pair of comfortable but kinda dressy walking shoes.... back to the mall again.
Coming from someone who lives in Vegas, pack as little as possible, because the shopping here is fantastic and not necessarily any more expensive if you stay away from "boutiques."
Thanks Maria!! And you are right. I certainly could buy there what ever I needed. Why is it I can never remember that there ARE malls in other places besides where I live!
It's just that you'll feel differently when you get here, especially about what you wear.
Hmmm.....what do you mean?
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