It would be wonderful if there were Elves to help with all the last minute details of Christmas, wouldn't it? Last night, all remaining items were wrapped and are ready to be put under the tree. Today, it will be time to clean up and get ready for the family to come over tomorrow. The food has been ordered (we cater Christmas Eve dinner) and extra tables and chairs have been borrowed from the church.
My mom had decided to NOT come home for Christmas Eve. She had all week to think about it, and she feels that it would just be too upsetting for my dad to have her home and then she has to leave. Actually it would be too upsetting for them both. She is just not up to all that drama, and she does not want to put my dad through it either. We will make the best of the situation.
Thanks to everyone who has stopped by Cents To Save! I appreciate your comments and your support. Time to get back to the last minute cleaning, maybe some grocery shopping and getting ready for tomorrow. Merry Christmas to you and yours!
Oh.... and if there were really elves, I would never fire them, I need all the help I can get.
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