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Food Waste Friday: Slimy is Yucky

Happy Friday!  It is that time again to search the deep recesses of your fridge and seek out what was hidden and forgotten.  Last week I really didn't look that hard for any waste.  This week, the mushrooms and slimy cucumber kinda found their way to the front of the fridge.  

My food waste has definitely been worse in the past.  There was a time when I could fill a post with the pictures of my wasteful ways.  This little bit of was is not so bad.  I can live with it.  Off to the compost pile it goes!

I have wasted mushrooms before.  I may just need to stop buying them.  In theory they are good for me, but the reality it only the compost pile is benefiting.

Linked to the Frugal Girl


Live and Learn-Toss and Turn said...

I haven't done it, but I've read that you can freeze mushrooms. (http://www.cooks.com/rec/view/0,1950,152186-246193,00.html) I may try it because I'm not that crazy about mushrooms either, but they are good in certain dishes.

Nicole_Dianne said...

I buy mushrooms all the time when they go on clearance and freeze them - usually already sliced. Great in ground beef, casseroles, veggie soup, fried with some onion and celery with eggs... We use a LOT of mushrooms :)

Jess said...

I love love love mushrooms, but I get that some people just don't like em. If you do want to add them to a specific recipe, are there any stores in your area that sell bulk mushrooms and you could only buy what you need instead of the package that you only need a portion of?

Melissa@PersonalFinanceJourney said...

Your right, the waste this week is not bad. I only buy mushrooms now when I have a recipe that specifically calls for them. Otherwise I find mushrooms go bad too quickly for me to buy them as a regular staple ingredient.

CarlaPeicheff said...

At least they're both compostable! :)

Jane said...

Ewwww slimy cucumbers are the worst!! I HAVE given up buying mushrooms as I usually forget about them and they don't last long at all!

Invest It Wisely said...

Uhgh, well at least you have a composter. ;)

CentsToSave said...

Yep, the composter does come in handy.

CentsToSave said...

Oh yeah.... the slimy cucumbers..... super GROSS. And me and mushrooms..... never a good mix. I always waste them.

CentsToSave said...

The only redeeming quality they have.

CentsToSave said...

I don't know why I keep on buying them. I gotta stop it. Just a waste of money!

CentsToSave said...

Great idea Jess! I will check it out.

CentsToSave said...

Wonderful idea!!! and so easy too. Thanks for the idea!

CentsToSave said...

I may have to try that. Freezing would defintely prolong them.
