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Spending Report: September 2012 week 1

This week has been going smoothly with regards to spending and keeping track of where the money is going.   It actually feels pretty good to know where the money is going and how much I actually have on hand.  It was not always like that :)

Monday:    Target    42.00    Grocery
                 Target    21.00     Labor Day Picnic

Tuesday:      Aldi           29.65
                    Publix:     110.00   includes personal care items shampoo
                    Gas:         10.00

Wednesday:  Gas:        56.00


                                   Misc:        6.00     Toy for Grandson
Operation Christmas Child        9.00

Friday:       No Spend!  woo hoo!!

The grocery category is a little high at  152.00.  I did budget 600.00 for the month ( and yes that is high) but we did not eat out one time this week!!  We both took our lunches to work and there were no drive thru dinners.   We may treat ourselves to a dinner out this weekend, but that is okay.

Gas  is a necessary expense.  I budgeted 500.00 for the month and so far we have spent 66.00 and my husband still has to fill up his truck today.  I think this category is going to be a close one. 

What is the best way for you to keep track of your spending?  Do you feel more in control when you do track your spending? 

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1 comment:

Jane said...

Hi Lisa! Isn't gas a killer? (I mean of course the kind you put in your car lol!) I feel like I'm always putting gas in with 3 of us using the one car. You just KNOW that I am paying for the bulk of the gas around here....grumble grumble! I try to keep track of my spending every day on a printout of my budget but I do have to play catch up once in a while and that means I often forget something which throws things out of whack!
