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Church Update (Divorced Deacon Nominee)

Last week, I had to blog (vent) about an issue in my church. I appreciate all who read and posted their opinions. But I would like to update you on the issue of the deacon nominee of which I posted about last week.

The short version is this. When the floor was open for discussion about the nominees (there were two) I raised my hand and asked the church " Pastor, since the foundational teachings of this church are bible based, why are the deacons considering an individual for deaconship that has been divorced and it was a non-biblical divorce?" He was not sure what I was talking about so I went on... " Pastor, the individual that I am questioning has stated to me that his divorce was not biblical and that there is no way he could be a deacon. Now all of a sudden he is allowing himself to be considered for a deacon."

The Pastor really did not know what to say.... he did try to explain "biblical divorce" and the situations that surround it but after all was said and done, the nominations were accepted by the those in attendance at the business meeting. Except by me, I was the only objection.

So... after the other business of the church was concluded.. the divorce deacon nominee wanted to speak to me, my husband and the pastor after church. Great. Here we go.

Meanwhile, while we are waiting for church to clear out... just about everyone that was in attendance at the meeting came up to me and said how glad they were that I spoke up. I thinking... why did YOU not say anything??? Whatever.

We finally get to meet with each other and divorced deacon nominee begins to tell us that his divorce from his SECOND wife... ( WHAT??) was biblical. I did not even know he was divorced twice. Either did the Pastor. Apparently his second wife, who had terminal cancer divorced him because she did not want him to go through the suffering of her death. Whatever you say.

Well... I then said "Your character is also in question because you are still "chasing a married woman" namely the church's pianist. I did tell him that while we were waiting to come back in to talk to each other, the pianist told me in front of her 9 year old son that divorced deacon nominee still calls her, while her husband is at work. Still. This has been going on for years.

Well, evidently a nerve was struck. He became very upset and stomped out.

Forwarding ahead.... The pastor spoke to divorced deacon nominee and told him that he was not eligible for the position of deacon and that his name will have to be withdrawn. Divorced deacon nominee and I have agreed that the whole situation is over and done with and that we are moving on with our normal church activites.

You know... small churches.... you gotta love em!


Tiffany said...

Good for you. I am so glad you stood up for what is right. She divorced him to spare him the pain.. who would agree to that???

Anyway, came over from SITS to say hi and check out your blog!

Lisa said...

Thanks for visiting Tiffany! I really enjoy your blog as well!


LisaClark said...

Good on you for standing up for biblical truth - what was your Pastor thinking?
Just found your blog but just had to comment. :)

Anonymous said...



Lisa said...

Thanks for your comment. Who knows what the pastor was thinking. I don't know why he or the deacons did not better research their candidates....

Anonymous said...

Deacons should be good role models and good reps of the church. I agree with you.

Briana said...

Deacons should be good role models and good reps of the church. I agree with you.

www.frugalmoms.today.com said...



LisaClark said...

Good on you for standing up for biblical truth - what was your Pastor thinking?
Just found your blog but just had to comment. :)
