Well.... is it just me or are the letters and numbers on the coke caps EXTREMELY TINY??
Holy cow! I guess I need a magnifying glass to see the darn things, because short of having my daughter reading out the codes to me, I really don't have any other choice!
Well, I am up to a big 77 points! I know... I have a ways to go to get anything free! Maybe Coke has special glasses in their reward program to wear while you are trying to read the codes!
If you are not yet a member in the Coke Reward porgram and would like to start, E mail me and I will give you a referral to get started. {{Disclaimer: If you sign up using this referral, I will get a few extra coke rewards}}
Email me at WayRich14 AT AOL Dot Com.
I do MCR as well. There has been a drought of good rewards lately, but occasionally something good comes along. One tip for you is that if you have mostly codes from 12-packs you can trade them for cap codes on the MCR Trading thread over at Slickdeals. There are a lot of folks there who get tons of cap codes, but because of the 10 code per day rule will trade those codes for codes from the 12-packs. Trading ratios are usually 5:1 or 6:1, so you can parlay that 10 point code into 15 or even 18 points by trading.
I make my son read the #'s to me too!
I wish they would make Diet Coke in an IV!
Billy, thanks for the tip!I might have to try it!
Thanks for sharing! Good to know I am not the only one that cannot hardly see those tiny, tiny numbers!
Just a heads up to save your codes! They are giving double points on June 25--only on 12 pack codes :)
THanks for the heads up!
for the bottle tops.. if you pull the semi clear plastic seal inside the bottle cap.. then the numbers are much easier to read..
What a great tip!! Thanks so much! That will be so much easier.
Just a heads up to save your codes! They are giving double points on June 25--only on 12 pack codes :)
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